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chicago slate roofing contractors

Slate Roofing - Slate Roofing Contractors

Most slate roofing contractors believe that slate is one of the finest roofing materials that can be used for a roofing system. It is one of the most aesthetic and durable roofing materials available. Slate has been used for centuries; it has been the roofing material of choice by the finest architects and roofing contractors. Many slate roofs in existence today have lasted well over a hundred years.

Slate is a fine-grained, metamorphic rock that forms under intense heat and pressure underground. It must be mined much like coal. It has a physical characteristic that allows it to be split into thin pieces that resemble roof shingles. Since slate is rock, it is very hard and dense. These physical characteristics make it one of the best natural occurring roofing materials. It is very durable and resistant to the most extreme weather conditions, hot, cold, high wind, hail, and it is completely fireproof.

Installation and maintenance of a slate roof requires expert knowledge. If you need help or information for a new slate roof, we highly recommend calling one of our listed Chicago area licensed and insured, slate roofing contractors.

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